How Schools Help Its Students to Find Their Passion - ODM Public School Blogs - No. 1 CBSE School in Odisha

How Schools Help Its Students to Find Their Passion

by in blog January 19, 2022

“Follow your Passion” is the advice every life coach, motivational speaker and ideal personality will give you for achieving success and attaining peace of mind in life. But where does this passion come from? Who cultivates it inside you? The best answer is your school.

The best gift students receive from education is passion. Schools play a vital role in cultivating the passion in their students. There are many best  residential schools in Bhubaneshwar which are focusing on passion-based learning to help students excel. This type of learning allows students to take risks, experiment with creativity, deal with hurdles and drive success. One more reason why passion is important to be cultivated while schooling is that it teaches students to brush their skills by sharing ideas, experiences, stories and doing experiments with those who reciprocate the interest. Below mentioned are a few ways in which schools can help its students to find their passion:-

1. Give value to the interests and skills of students:-

Doing the things in which we are interested always makes us feel more comfortable and enthusiastic. They naturally build our confidence and eventually end up evolving as our passion. Schools can help students to discover their interests and skills by allowing them to try a lot of different things. Many special schools in Bhubaneswar like ODMPS have already adopted many methods that allow their students to explore and try new things paving way for them to discover their passion. Whether they are music and dance clubs, civic groups, sports activities, affinity clubs, cultural and social activities, etc. all help students in developing the list of hobbies for themselves and exploring each of their hobbies further helps them in finding their passion.

2. Assist students in finding their purpose:-

Finding purpose and setting goals is very important for students in schools. Finding purpose makes students feel their work matters and makes a difference and thus they feel more valued and work in the direction of their purpose. Schools can help students to dig the fact that what a particular activity means to them. To help students find their passion, conduct the counseling sessions and ask them what activities they find meaning in. Always make sure they are minding the gap between enjoyment and meaning. As you count students finding purpose in a particular area, help them develop it as their passion.

3. Conduct career aptitude tests and counseling seminars:-

The career aptitude tests will help your students to check where they lie with their interests and also they can match their interests with a list of potential careers. This test will help schools to get a clear idea about the student’s interest and their potential with those interests. But yet these tests should not mark the final decision about the passion of students because exceptions are always there. Similarly, counseling seminars and expert talks will help your students to shed all the ambiguities which they are facing in finding their passion. These talks often address all the curiosities of students and help them to come out of the dilemmas. Many top schools in Bhubaneswar often conduct such seminars for the welfare of students.

4. A good mentor is always worth:-

  Students in school often find it difficult to decipher the meaning between passion and hobbies and eventually end up landing into a state of confusion and conundrum. Passion is often considered to be contagious and thus students need someone to whom they can talk and discuss their interests. The mentor who understands the interests of students or perhaps one with the same interest having knowledge and experience has the answers to the questions which troubles students. Thus every school should help its students to find a mentor. These were some ways by which school can help its students to find their passion.